Shortly after graduating from the University of Arkansas in 2014, my husband Ben and I moved to San Francisco. Feeling really misplaced in a new city, the desire to work with flowers washed over me. Giving and receiving flowers has always been my love language. They provide so much comfort when I feel disconnected from myself so I signed up for a floral design class at the Brannan Street Flower Mart. After that class I hit the ground running, continuing to sign up for workshops to learn as much as I could 

about flowers and to establish my design style. Seeking out these experiences led me to freelancing for talented designers in Northern California and the Pacific Northwest. In 2017 we returned back home to Fayetteville and I began booking my own weddings and getting a crash course in business.

Meus is a result of a lot of hard work and patience. Seeing my life with flowers unfold in this way is something I had hoped for from the very beginning. Molly is the Meus compass, keeping us moving towards our collective goals with a creative edge and settled energy. Valuing seasonality and learning about your natural landscape is a concept we both subscribe to and connect with. We consider working with flowers a privilege and feel so much gratitude to those who follow along and support our company.


My journey to flowers started in my grandmother’s garden where we would pick a few flowers together for family dinners and driving on back roads in Tennessee lined with daffodils in spring. I attended art school in Mississippi where I met my husband, Ty. We moved to Chicago where I earned my MFA in Studio Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2017.  I craved flowers and green grass so bad during those two winters in the city, and afterwards we moved back to Tennessee where I planted my first 

garden and fell in love with growing my own flowers. My studio art practice is heavily influenced by flowers and gardening, and after working at flower shops and growing my own blooms, floral arranging became my artistic medium. We recently moved to Northwest Arkansas for my husband to attend graduate school, and that’s where I met Faith and let flowers take over my life.

Meus is something I could never have dreamt of without Faith’s vision for what is possible with flowers. She has an incredible eye for beauty and always pushes our work to be the best it can be. We have worked incredibly hard together to create this company and want to share our love for flowers with you.